Robert Maynard Portfolio


Color Theory




Lock and Chain with
Split-Complementary Colors

Gouache paint
6 inches by 6 inches on an 8 by10 inch illustration board

This project required students to paint either a triadic or split-complementary color scheme on an original design.

I used the blue-green hue and one tint and one shade of the hue on the padlock. Neutralized pastels and tints of yellow-green fill the chains. In the background, one shade and one tint of red create a stained glass window appearance.


Color Volume


In part one of this project students chose an image and identified the colors in the image and proportions of those colors.







Concept Art for a Rock Band

Executed with hand drawings, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop

Part two of the project required the students to compose a new, original image using the same colors in the same proportions.

For my project, I chose a poster from Back to the Future that was packaged with the film’s DVD. I used the same colors in my concept art for an imaginary heavy metal band.

Because this artwork is fully scalable, Planet Metal can use it in a wide range of media for promoting their tour, “Brutal.” as well as DVD and other related merchandise sales during and after the tour.


Lock and Chain in Complementary Colors

Gouache paint
6 inches by 6 inches on 8 by 10 inch illustration board

The dyadic chord of blue-green and red-orange fills this composition. The artwork uses two shades and one tint of blue-green. In addition, it uses three shades, one neutralized pastel, and the chromatic hue of red-orange. This composition illustrates contrasts of hue, saturation, and temperature.